Garat e XIX të muzicientëve të rinj ARSKOSOVA 2024/ XIX competition of young musicians ARSKOSOVA 2024
Garat internacionale të muzikës klasike / International classical music competitions
21-22-23 Qershor/June 2024
Kosovë, Prishtinë
The international classical music competitions are a competitive presentation of the most successful young instrumental and vocal musicians who attended this year’s music schools and faculties. These contestants will come from musical educational entities, under the supervision of their tutors, they will appear with the same (or similar) program in order to be able to compare their interpretations. The competitions offer many opportunities: for the comparison of different experiences of music pedagogues, an “inventory” of the state of musical interpretation among young people, as well as the possibility of forecasting the movements of musical cadres and exchange of experiences between young musicians and Kosovar centers and schools. with those European-World music centers.
Deadlines and Schedule
Konkursi është e hapur për kompozitorë të të gjithakombësive nga Kosova, Rajoni, Evropa, Bota.
Kompozitorët mund të aplikojnë me më shumë se njëvepër.
Veprat konkuruese mund të jenë të publikuara më herët.
Partitura duhet të jetë anonime (me një pseudonim / shifër).
Aplikuesit duhët t’i dergojnë materialet e kërkuara mëposhtë në formë elektronike (në e-mail adresen dhe linkune formular aplikimit).
1 Partiturën (vetëm titullin dhe pseudonimin, pa emrin e kompozitorit).
* Instrumentet e përdorura në formacione preferohet të jenë instrumente orkestrale. Përdorimi i elektronikës ose Live electronics nuk është i lejuar.
The competition is open to composers of all nationalities from Kosovo, the Region, Europe, the World.
Composers can apply with more than one work.
Competing works may have been published earlier.
The score must be anonymous (with a pseudonym / number).
Applicants must send the materials requested below in electronic form (to the e-mail address and link to the application form.
1 The score (only the title and pseudonym, without the name of the composer).
* The instruments used in the formations are preferably orchestral instruments. The use of electronics or Live electronics is not allowed.
Click to download ArsKosova Music Competition programme 2024
Afati i fundit për t’i dërguar formularet e regjistrimit për pjesëmarrje dhe Kotizim (për shtetasit e Kosovës ) është data :
16 Qershor 2024 (ora 23:59)
Click to open Registration form/Formular regjistrimi
Kandidatët jashtë Kosovës (Shqipëria, Maqedonia e Veriut, Bullgaria, Greqia, Turqia, Kroacia, Evropa, USA etj), mund ta realizojnë pagesën e pjesëmarrjes (kotizimit) kur të arrijnë në Kosovë,kurse Formularin ta dërgojnë deri në datën 16 Qershor 2024 (ora 23:59)
The deadline to send the registration forms for participation and contribution (for citizens of Kosovo) is the date: June 16, 2024 (11:59 p.m.)
Candidates outside Kosovo (Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Europe, USA, etc.), can pay the participation fee when they arrive in Kosovo, while sending the form by June 16, 2024 (23:59)
For candidates from Ukraine the participation is free of charge and only online.
Në garat ndërkombëtare, garuesve u ndahen këto shpërblime:
Çmimi Absolut…………. 100 pikë
Çmimi I ………………….95.00 – 99.99 pikë
Çmimi II ……………….. 90.00 – 94.99 pikë
Çmimi III ……………….. 85.00 – 89.99 pikë
Diplomë për pjesëmarrje ..50.00 – 84.99 pikë
In this international competition, the contestants will get these prizes:
Absolute Prize ………………..100 points
lst Prize ………………………….95.00– 99. 99 points
2ndPrize ………………………..90.00 – 94.99points
3rdPrize………………………….85.00 – 89.99points
Participation certificate…..50.00 – 84.99 points
These are professional musicians who have long experience on various instruments. They will promise that they will carry out the task of the selector with conscience and objectivity. This year, the members of the jury (professors) from Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bulgaria, and European centers such as: Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, etc. (also contestants from these countries).
Concerts-recitals of Professors-instrumentalists and solo singers are also planned for participating students, but also for directors of music schools, art lovers, students, etc.
Masterclasses (individual lessons with maestros – perfecting courses in instrument and voice) by invited professors (members of the jury) are also planned.
Prof.Zana Badivuku-Basha
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Prof. Blerim Grubi
Prof. Blerim Grubi Maqedoni/Kosove/
Prof. Aida Gjikolli Kosove
Prof.Aida Gjikolli, UBT, Prishtina, Kosove
Prof. Agron Peni
Agron Peni is a guitar teacher at the Music High School in Gjakova (Kosovo), his hometown, and since childhood has been…
Prof. Drilon Çoçaj
Drilon Çoçaj started to learn guitar at the age of 7 in the family surroundings, to continue later at Music School…
Prof. Erhan Mujka
Erhan Mujka is a guitarist and guitar teacher from Mitrovica – Kosovo. He started his first lessons in his hometown to…
Prof. Kreshnik Berisha
Prof. Kreshnik Berisha, guitar
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